The Letter Monster

"The Letter Monster" is the fifth picture book
by M.A.T. Peskens.
Specially written and illustrated for little voracious monsters!
ISBN: 9789082678147
Original title: Het Lettermonster
You see it right! No long white ears. No cute bunny tail, but two pointy horns. Two claws with razor-sharp nails.
A big mouth that fits five rabbits without fail.
It's a monster! It's the Letter Monster.
'He is a true Monster Chef.
An artist in the kitchen.
The alphabet soup is already simmering nicely.
Todat his friends come to visit and taste his disgusting mishmash.
But then a strange sound comes from the kitchen.
What could it be?
Let's hope the dinner party doesn't go down the drain...'
Happy reading!
Did you know that the Dutch version is also available for loan in the Dutch library?

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